How Energy Work Has Enriched my life

When I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2018, and experienced other brutal symptoms related to systemic chronic inflammation, asthma, and allergies, I found the combination of western medicine, including medication drug therapy, nutrition, psychotherapy, and alternative medicine (naturopathic and functional medicine) to be extremely helpful in managing primarily the physical aspects of my conditions.

However, these modalities were not enough to address the psychosomatic, spiritual and emotional imbalances resulting from what I was told were chronic health diagnoses.

The fact that I could be told “my blood work is normal”, and that I’m in remission, all while feeling extremely tired, achy, lacking digestive fire, experiencing daily headaches and dizziness felt lonely and frustrating. My social network got smaller and I didn’t have the energy to feed other aspects of my life outside the physical. I was in survival mode.

For the first time in life, my body/mind/spirit made me slow down from the rat race, which also made me face the realities of how some early childhood trauma, and learning/processing diversities have affected my life and ability to connect to others and fail to thrive.

Introducing... Energy Work

My first energy-work session was a chakra balancing session with Reiki and Craniosacral.

For the first time in years, I felt my body go into what I know now is a Rest and Digest state or parasympathetic dominance. My digestion began to churn, the sensation of warm liquid swirling in my root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras was profound.

When the practitioner got to my heart, I felt sick and a deep guttural sob from the depths of my soul released. My throat chakra (the area to speak your truth), was more stubborn, as was my third eye. My crown chakra was open and this sense of peace washed over me in vibrant colors.

A Powerful Partner in Health

Since then, energy work has been a vital spoke on my wheel of health (vs. sick care) and holistic wellness, helping me feel balance in my personal and professional life. It has brought me a deeper connection to self, others, and the divine.

I feel that energy medicine brings healing that no other medicine can.

When I am feeling indecisive or lost, it connects me with intuition by invoking a sense of empowerment to follow divine guidance to find solutions.

When I am feeling worried, it brings me back to the present.

When I’m lonely, it reminds me I’m not alone, and am connected to all that is.

When I’m depressed, I’m reminded to reconnect to my soul essence.

Energy work gives so many gifts; most poignantly, the gift of remembrance. The remembrance that we are Souls having a human experience.

Come to heal. Come to rest. Come to remember with me.

Picture of Kat McArthur

Kat McArthur

By appointment: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Kat McArthur Wellness LLC
2501 Blichman Ave, Suite 119
Grand Junction , CO 81507
License: #0022537

© Copyright 2024 Kat McArthur Wellness LLC. All Rights Reserved.