Daily Lymphatic Self Care: Kat's Top Picks!

Learning more about the lymphatic system—and how you can support it—can be a gamechanger for your overall health and wellbeing. So, let’s start with the basics.

Daily Lymphatic Self Care: The Big Six

These are key areas, or more specifically, lymphatic drains, that benefit greatly from regular attention.

  1. Above and below the clavicle
  2. Jawline
  3. Chest
  4. Abdomen
  5. Groin
  6. Behind the Knee

What does “attention” look like? Tap, stroke or rub. Using any of these three can help stimulate the lymph nodes and get things moving.

Other Lymph Loving Rituals

  • “Legs Up The Wall” & Deep Breathing—Use gravity to help move lymphatic fluid
    • Move your blood & lymph out of the lower body and diaphragm to get that fluid back to the heart
  • Rebounding/Heel Drops—Muscles move lymph
    • Bounce on a mini trampoline or come onto the balls of your feet and release heels down to the floor so you gently bounce up and down.
  • Gua Sha/Cupping—increases flow
    • Targets fine lines and wrinkles and also improves how well your brain drains which can help prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and MS.
  • Gratitude Journaling—engages your brain
    • Scientifically proven to dilate your blood & Lymph vessels and shift your nervous system into parasympathetic which is where we heal.
  • Take a Walk/Exercise/Grounding/Sunshine
    • Full body movement helps propel lymph through the one way
      channels. The earth delivers energy to our bodies that recharges us and sunshine is a vital nutrient. Nature is medicine so get out in it
      whenever you can.
  • Dry Brushing—increases blood and lymph circulation
    • Great for the nervous system and helps remove dead cells from our largest detox organ, the skin to keep drainage pathways open.
  • Epsom Salt Baths—an essential mineral for our lymphatic health
    • Magnesium sulfate soothes muscles, reduces inflammation and replenishes magnesium levels through skin absorption.
  • Self Lymph Drainage
    • Of course I would love to see you more often in my office, but when that isn’t an option, I have additional resources to teach you how to do this at home. Ask me! (And check out my education page.)

Get pickin' to support your lymphatic health!

To help you track your progress, I’ve created a table to help you think through your customized lymph ritual. Things with an asterisk are recommended to be done daily. You can print out the whole guide using the button below, too.

Quick Picks (~5 minutes or less) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
*The Big 6
Legs up the wall
*Rebounding or Heel Drops
Gua Sha or Cupping
Moderate Picks (~8-15 minutes) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Gratitude Journaling
*Take a Walk
*Grounding, Sunshine, Nature
Dry Brush your body
Treat Yourself Picks (~20 minutes) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Epsom Salt Bath
*Physical Activity, Exercise
Self Lymphatic Drainage
Picture of Kat McArthur

Kat McArthur

By appointment: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Kat McArthur Wellness LLC
2501 Blichman Ave, Suite 119
Grand Junction , CO 81507
License: #0022537

© Copyright 2024 Kat McArthur Wellness LLC. All Rights Reserved.